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The Ultimate Target of Personalized Oncology Treatment: Improving the Lives of Our Patients

Dear Colleague,

The landscape of cancer care has evolved tremendously over the past decade in every aspect: research targets, available treatments, management strategies, even the makeup of the oncology multidisciplinary team. The publishers of Personalized Medicine in Oncology (PMO) recognize the importance of providing information for the entire oncology team to strengthen their ability to deliver the best care to patients. PMO offers information to physicians about the precision medicine effort whereas our sister organization, the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators (AONN+) provides a forum for oncology nurses. Also included under our umbrella are The Oncology Pharmacist, The Oncology Nurse-APN/PA, Value-Based Cancer Care, and the associated meetings we host, including PMO Live, the World Cutaneous Malignancies Congress, and the AONN+ Annual Meeting round out our offerings to the oncology community. Or do they?

In an effort to complete this circle, we feel compelled to include the person upon whom all our attention is directed—the patient. To that end, we are pleased to introduce a new magazine, CONQUER: the patient voice, in the hope of providing valuable information for your patients as well as their families, friends, and caregivers. This magazine addresses, in an easy-to-read format, the issues that patients, their family members, and caregivers face every day. It is our pleasure to offer an article from CONQUER in this issue of PMO on page 120.

In CONQUER, patients will discover articles written by and for patients with cancer, survivors, nurse navigators, and other oncology team members that include:

  • Interviews with survivors
  • Information about access to care
  • Nutrition
  • Stress management
  • Personal finance
  • Legal and employment issues.

We hope this new magazine proves valuable to your patients, and we encourage you to pass the word along to your patients that this resource is available to them by visiting And, as always, thank you for your loyal readership.


Coeditor in Chief
Personalized Medicine in Oncology

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